Introducing the Traveling Tractor

Tractors are an essential tool in agriculture operations—both big and small—that typically last between 20 and 30 years. As a result, the tractor has become an iconic, timeless symbol of farming and agriculture.

Here at Farm to Shelf, we pride ourselves in our clients’ shoes to make sure their business needs translate into successful marketing campaigns. From traveling cross-country to make sure our client’s packaging is up to par to regularly monitoring digital analytics in-house, we go to great lengths to ensure our marketing is an essential tool for our clients for years to come. 

As we constantly take on new and unique clients, we’re also looking for inspiration. Sometimes that inspiration takes us just down the street or from coast to coast. So, this year we’re launching our Traveling Tractor series to take you on the road with us and explore some extraordinary sights and scenes. 

Join us here or on Instagram @farmtoshelf_!